Dog on the loose

We have had a few calls yesteday and few people stopped in today saying there is a little shih-tzu or maltese with a bandetta loose on Navan Road.  A woman brought two Maltese’s here yesterday during the day, said she found them on Milton Road but while she took them out of the car, one ran away!  We have the one little girl at NARC but her partner is on the loose.  These are not NARC dogs, we are trying to find their owners, they are stray dogs for now…  The owners have 3 days to come with proof of ownership to claim their dog but if not claimed, we will get them vetted and place the one at NARC up for adoption.  Hopefully by then we will have caught the second little girl before she gets hit by a car!?  I haven’t seen her personally yet and have been driving around looking for her.  If you do see her, please bend your knees, go slowly and try to get her to come to you, she seems scared and is not coming to anyone that has actually tried to catch her!

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