Please contact us to visit one of our dogs as we are now a foster home based rescue. We no longer have business hours since all of our rescues are in foster care. We are usually able to make appointments with our foster homes during evenings or weekends. Thank you.
Hours of Operation: |
Monday | Closed – by appointment only |
Tuesday | Closed – by appointment only |
Wednesday | Closed – by appointment only |
Thursday | Closed – by appointment only |
Friday | Closed – by appointment only |
Saturday | Closed – by appointment only |
Sunday | Closed – by appointment only |
We would love to adopt Luka! Trying to find a contact email, please get back to us when you can. He looks like such a sweet boy, and he would be the perfect addition to our household!
I was wondering if Zoro the 7month old lab was still available?
Yes definitely, we always need crates either to use or sell to raise funds for veterinary care. Thank you for thinking of us!
I have a dog plastic create for a medium to large dog. It is used. If you want this I can donate you it.
Hello, can you Guy can rescue a Mom slang and her baby stucks in my yard ? Thank you
We are not a veterinary clinic – contact a vet to have your pet altered. Thanks.
hey i have a dog that i need to get neutered do you do that
No, we are not a wildlife centre – please contact your city for pick-up and they will deliver to a wildlife sanctuary. Thank you.
Do you folks rescue orphaned raccoons? Constance Creek and Rideau Valley are at capacity and not accepting new surrenders.
Yes, we will take it for our Thrift Store in hopes of raising funds for our fur-babies. I will e-mail you for pick-up. Thank you so much for your support and thinking of us!
Recently some one from your organization came to our home for donations. At the time they asked if we had anything in our garage we would like to donate – at the time we said no but on reflection we do have a treadmill. It is yours for the taking – functional and in good shape. let us know
Unfortunately we are not equipped to take cats here at NARC, to find many cat rescues in the area. Thank you
Found a little cat in Navan! We can’t keep it!! Please help!
Hi Michelle,
I am interested in adopting bear. Could you please email the application forms? Could I make an appointment sometime during the day?
Thank you, Kim
Our adoption fee is $460.00, Snoopy is neutered, has his rabies, vet check, dewormed, multi-advantage done monthly, etc… We are opened sat and sun between 1pm and 3pm if you wish to come and meet him or any of our other rescues. Thank you.
What criteria must be met in order to take Snoopy home? How much will be the cost to adopt him and his food & vet/shot per year ?
Is Lois still available for adoption? She is perfect for my mother who is looking for a small hypoallergenic companion dog. (Remember us? We adopted Paige – a husky/sheppard mix — about three years ago. She is doing great!).
Tarzan has just found his home!
Is socks still available for adoption?
What criteria must be met in order to take Tarzan home?
4388 Navan Road, Navan, Ontario, K4B 1H9
Just wondering your addreas
I am trying to get in the volunteer section (how to be a volunteer) and does not work.
I have a 14 year old and want to talk to her about volunteering, could you give me an idea if you would need some help with the animals and if so what king of task could she contribute? Thanks
Hi, I’m interested in adopting a dog from this charity, but I was wondering how your adoption process actually works. I live in London ON so it’s quite a long drive and wish to know more before making the trip out.
Hi Michelle and folks,
Just a little note regarding Marley.
She is a treasure. The last 3 months have certainly brought out a vivacious personality and now can look us straight in the eyes. She knows she’s home and trusts us.
Unfortunately 2 weeks ago while Marley and reg were out on walkies, a woman fell asleep at the wheel and blew a stop sign, crossed 2 lanes of traffic and hit them both from behind. She was doing 70kph! Both are lucky to be alive.
Reg suffered the brunt of the hit curling himself around Marley the best he could. She only suffered a third digit claw tear and abraded pads to her back right paw. She is a little skittish but on “Quiet Moments” and it seems to be working. She thinks they are treats.
So I am spending my time between hospital and tending to her PTSD. She is coming around fabulously only barking rarely at night now. I just sing her back to sleep and she is calm and fine.
She is one tough little doggie, and I think NARC everyday for allowing us to adopt her.
We will be out soon to adopt another rescue, but for now Reg can’t volunteer and Marley needs to heal.
Thank you again!
My name is Bronwen Rowe and I am the Programming Assistant at Watson’s Mill. Each summer we run a very popular kid’s camp called “Mini Wheats”. We have theme days and in out next week (July 29-Aug2) we are having an animal day. I am writing to ask about if you ever bring animals to other locations and if so, would you be interested in coming to our day camp?
As a not-for-profit organization we don’t have a very big budget.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
— Bronwen Rowe
Programming Assistant, Watson’s Mill
Hi Michelle and the gang,
I just wanted to touch base with you and let you know how Maya is coming along. She is looking really good and is such a great little girl. She still has that alpha streak in her though and I have to always be aware of that. We go for a walk twice a day. She stays home while I am at work and she has the run of the house. She never does her business in the house. She does bark whenever she hears a sound, incuding whenever my poor neighbour goes out to use his bbq, and she still tries to bark-growl at whoever passes us on our walks…but she is getting better. She has bitten me four times – but I think this is my own fault in not knowing her boundaries enough at the time…part of the process of adapting to each other. I was thinking of bringing her down to visit you soon just to say hi. She is a lively, spirited little girl, and I changed her name to Mayla (pronounced Mila) instead of Maya – just added an L in her name for how much she is loved.
Gisele Wolfe
Michelle, mailer-daemon returned email I sent you at the addy posted on the site. Is it out of date by any chance? Enquiring about what to do about a stray who is a lovely dog. Thanks, Christine
My partner and I are interested in seeing Louie and Sophie if they are still available (we saw them on Pet Finder). Would that be possible this weekend?
We’re looking to adopt a small dog. We have a 2 1/2 year old Shi Tzuh, and would like another dog. Is Buttercup still available? Is there going to be anyone there this Sat. March 30? We would like to meet her if possible. Thanks
Hi there,
My husband and I are interested in fostering a small, calm breed dog. We already have a cat and a dog therefore would prefer a dog that gets along well with others. We have no children, so we have a nice and quiet, calm home :o) Our dog is a rescue, and is threatened by large breed dogs, hyper dogs and she has food aggression so unfortunately we have to be a bit selective. Could you please email me a foster application? Thank you, Sonia
hello, are there any of the golden retirever puppies available for adoption from your post january 18th? thanks fallon
Hi Michelle,
Are you able to cat sit my 2 cats until Jan 6? My usual sitter’s father died and they went to NS. Everyone else I can think of will be away as well.
I visit very often NARC. I just don’t get. Ms. Mayer is the most caring person I have ever met. She gives her life to those animals, which she rescues off dead row. The dogs are clean, well taken care of and she has volunteers every day helping her out. Her dogs get the care they need; they see the Vet for treatment and get the necessary dental care. She has tremendous Vet bills every month as a proof. I have witness a Collie she rescued from a puppy-mill that could not even walk, and she rehabilitated the dog and was adopted by a good home. She doesn’t keep her dogs confined to a humid stall; when weather permits, they are out and she provides shelter from the sun. When a person sticks her neck out to make a positive difference, why should she be wrongfully attacked? I raise my hat to her!
I would like to book a appointment to come by your rescue. Please email me back with a available time. Thank You!
I I would like to attend the rescue and speak to someone about surrendering my 2 male brother dogs who are dobermain mix. I can not find a contact number to arrange this. Is there specific days for walk ins? I can be emailed at thank you.
hHello. coulHello, could you please send your address?
We are looking for a house dog.
With regards,
We are only opened sat and sun between 1pm and 3pm if you want to come and meet her this weekend! Thanks.
Hello I was wondering if someone would be there this afternoon to see a couple of your dogs. We recently lost our Boston Terrier and have space and time to provide a permanent home for the right dog. We would like a chance to see Amy if she is available as we are quite attached to the breed.
Both are still with us awaiting their forever homes. Thanks.
She is available this weekend, she is a female. Thanks.
Hi there, I was wondering if Keebee was a girl or a boy? When do you think Keebee might be available for adoption? Thanks!
I tried to get to your facility on Sunday to meet Sheeba and Rikki, unfortunately, we live in Fitzroy Harbour and we were not able to meet them. I still would like to meet them as I have been a Forever Home for several MinPins over the last 22 years.
Could you please let me know if they were adopted or are they are available for a Forever Home?
Thank you ever so much for your time and your help.
I look forward to receiving your reply at your earliest convenience.
Rachelle Dean
Hi There:
We are interested in Ebony and are wondering if there has been much interest in her. I’m also wondering if you can tell me what size she is. Ideally we would like a medium sized dog, but it’s hard to tell from the pictures what size she is. We were thinking of coming by tomorow to visit her, however would like to know if she is there or with her foster family and how do we reach them if that is the case…in the interim. Many thanks,
I would like an appointment when Maya is ready to be adopted. Please let me know. Thanks so much.
Hey Michelle,
its Miya I helped out a few weekends ago with Julie and Jodi,
my family is interested in adopting another pet but before we can we have to make sure they get along with the other pets in our household. I was wondering if we could foster one of the dogs? to see how the dog feels in our home and is a good match. I was also wondering if it could preferably be Maddie (Matty not so sure the spelling), I took a shine to her and I think she’ll get along with our other animals.
i was wondering if you have a dog that would be good with my 3 year old who has ( sorry if spelt wrote) atisom we have been told the the right kind of dog would help relax and be very good for a child with what my son has . and we like to start our search with a rescued dog . please let us know thank you so much and look forward to hear from you soon .
We were thinking of dropping in next Saturday, Aug 18. We’ll be coming from Petawawa. We are looking for a small to meduium dog one that’s quiet a bit older, Similar to Nakuutti id dhe is still there or the Border Collie, housetrained, one that doesn’t require a lot of walking, maybe one a day. We do go shopping quite often and may be left alone for an our or two. If someone would be there to show us a couple that would be nice. We’ve had 2 long term dogs, an American cocker, Shtiztu, was cute, but licked like crazy and aBoder Collie mix, we had him 14 years and the Cocker about 7 or more and had to put them doen and Benji, our Daughter took him home.
Anymore information on Sheenah? Thanks
Hi there,
My husband and I were interested in coming to meet Ryder the pug if he is still available for adoption. He sounds like a wonderful dog. We have experience with pugs and would love to meet him.
Interested in adopting a standard poodle.
If you are talking about Taz, he is a Cocka-Poo, Cocker Spaniel mixed with Poodle. Thanks.
Hi, I was wondering what kind of dog Tazo is? I have allergies so I am looking for a hypoallergenic dog. Thank you
Only one puppy left, a terrier looking beige and white female.
I was wondering if either of the “terrier” looking pups(Baby’s pups) were still available.
I was looking to get some more information on one of the available dogs Doogie. Is there any chance to possibly come see him on Monday 7/16 or Tuesday 7/17 ? Thanks so much.
Michelle: I will be dropping in this afternoon Saturday after lunch to bring you some dog food,dog toys and dog clipper.